This is a comprehensive list of solos that I am very familiar with & have worked on with many students. Classification is taken from the Texas UIL Prescribed Music List (PML). For UIL movement, edition, & book specifications, you can look them up at the PML listing on the left. Please note that solos in the unaccompanied list are to be played without piano accompaniment, & I have recorded most of these at home for student reference. I have also included many excerpts of common solos. If you want to hear more excerpts of other solos, you can hear some sound clips of various performers by searching on Amazon. If you would like to hear the entire piece, you can hear many of them on Rhapsody or iTunes, & I also have select movements with links from YouTube. I will include more links over time. Although these recordings are great resources, please note that it is highly advised to listen to multiple recordings!
* Since 2010, I have gradually included links to PDF files of select available solos directed from the IMSLP & Flute Tunes websites. Should you decide to perform one of these pieces, the parts are to serve as practice parts, but you must buy the originals to perform at UIL contest.
Flute Solos
Advanced Level (Class 1) - High School
Smart Music - solos with accompaniment available on the computer program
** solos marked with 2 asterisks are more difficult & recommended for players at the Region, Area & All-State levels
JS Bach - Sonata in Eb major, *YouTube*
JS Bach - Sonata in C major, *YouTube*
JS Bach - Sonata in E minor, *YouTube*
JS Bach - Suite in B minor, *YouTube
CPE Bach - Sonata in G, "Hamburger" *2nd movement*
Bloch - Suite Modale *mp3, mvts 1 & 3*
Burton - Sonatina *mp3 soundclip*
Busser - Prelude et Scherzo
*Listen to Erin Bouriakov*
Chaminade - Concertino
Copland - Duo
** Doppler - Fantasie Pastorale Hongroise, YouTube
Duvernoy - Concertino
Dvorak - Sonatina Op. 100, 1st mvt - YouTube
Enesco - Cantabile & Presto *soundclip*
Faure - Fantasie, *YouTube*
Ganne - Andante et Scherzo, *soundclip*
Gaubert - Fantasie, YouTube
Gaubert - Nocturne et Allegro Scherzando, *mp3 soundclip*
Handel - Sonata III in G major, *soundclip*
Handel - Sonata IV in C major, *soundclip*
Handel - Sonata VI in B minor, *soundclip*
Haydn - Concerto in D
Hindemith - Sonata, YouTube
** Ibert - Concerto, YouTube
Kennan - Night Soliloquy
Mozart - Andante in C major *mp3 soundclip*
Mozart - Concerto in D, *mvt 1 soundclip, mvt 3 soundclip*
Mozart - Concerto in G *mvt 1 soundclip, mvt 3 soundclip*
Mozart - Rondo in D Major, YouTube
Muczynski - Sonata
Perilhou - Ballade *soundclip*
*Listen to Laurel Zucker*
Poulenc - Sonata *mvt 1 soundclip*, *mvt 2 soundclip*
Prokofiev - Sonata in D, op. 94
Quantz - Concerto in G *mvt 1 soundclip, mvt 3 soundclip*
Reinecke - Sonata "Undine", mvt 1
Saint-Saens - Airs de Ballet d'Ascanio, *YouTube*
Stamitz - Concerto in G major
Taffanel - Andante Pastorale et Scherzettino
Telemann - Suite in A minor *soundclip*, Listen to entire Suite
Other - High School solos that would need to be memorized for UIL State contest only & not available on Smart Music
Alfven - Herdsmaidens' Dance
Amirov - 6 Pieces (Sechs Stucke)
Arnold - Concerto No. 1, op. 45, 1st mvt - YouTube
JS Bach - Sonata in G minor, 1st mvt - YouTube
Beethoven - Serenade, Op. 8 *soundclip*
Blavet - Sonata in E minor, op. 3
Blavet - Concerto in A minor
Boccherini - Concerto *soundclip*
Bolling - Suite for Flute & Jazz Piano, Baroque & Blue
Casella - Sicilienne et Burlesque, YouTube*
Chopin - Variations *soundclip*
Clarke - Hypnosis, YouTube
Damase - Concerto
Damase - Sonate en Concert
Debussy - Prelude a l'apres-midi-d'un faune, YouTube
Demersseman - Sixieme (6th) Solo de Concert
Dello Joio - Suite *soundclip*
Dubois - Sonate
Ewazen - Sonata No. 1, YouTube
Frederich the Great - Concerto No. 1 in G
Frederich the Great - Concerto No. 2 in G
Frederich the Great - Concerto No. 3 in C
Frederich the Great - Concerto No. 4 in D
Gaubert - Sonata 1, YouTube
Gaubert - Sonata 3, YouTube - mvt 1 & 3
Godard - Waltz *soundclip*
Gretry - Concerto in C major *soundclip*
Grovlez - Concertino
Harty - In Ireland, YouTube
Hanson - Serenade
Haydn - Concerto in D major, mvt 1 or 3
Harlos - Sonata Rubata *soundclip*
Heggie - Fury of Light
** Hue - Fantaisie *soundclip*
Ibert - Jeux
** Jacob - Concerto No. 1, *YouTube*
Koehler - Papillon, YouTube
Kuhlau - 3 Grand Solos, No. 1, No. 2, or No.3
Loeillet - Sonata in E minor, *Mvt 1 & 2 - YouTube*
Larson - Be Still My Soul
Larson - Lughnasa
Larson - Moving On
Liebermann - Sonata
Lipatti - Introduction & Allegro
Martinu - Sonata, 1st mvt, 3rd mvt
Mercadante - Dieci Arie Variate (10 Aria Variations)
Mercadante - Concerto in D major (mvt 3)
Mercadante - Concerto in E minor
Milhaud - Sonatine, 1st mvt - YouTube
Molique - Concerto in D minor
Mouquet - La Flute de Pan *YouTube
Muthel - Sonata in D
Norris - Jazz Suite
Offermans - Honami
Otaka - Concerto, mvt 2
Pergolesi - Concerto in G major, mvt 1 or 3
Pijper - Sonata
Piston - Sonata, YouTube
Ravel - Pantomime from Daphnis et Chloe
Reinecke - Ballade
Rodrigo - Fantasia Para un Gentilhombre
Roussel - Joueurs de Flute - Mvt 1, Mvt 4
Rutter - Suite Antique, Mvt 1, 2, 3, Mvt 4, 5, 6
Saint-Saens - Odelette
Sargon - Dusting Around with Scott's Rag
Sargon - Sunflowers, Sonata for Flute
Schulhoff - Flute sonata, YouTube
Schumann - 3 Romances, Op. 94, play 2 mvts; *YouTube*
Taktakishvili - Sonata, mvt 1, mvt 3
Telemann - Sonata No. 3 in f minor
Tulou - Introduction & Variations on a Theme of Rossini
Vivaldi - Concerto in D major, "Il Gardelino", YouTube
Widor - Sonata, YouTube
State Solo - unmemorized list; these are typically more difficult & recommended for players at the Area/All-State level
Bozza - Agrestide
CPE Bach - Concerto in d minor, *Movement 1
JS Bach - Partita in A minor, Allemande PDF, Courante PDF, YouTube
JS Bach - Sonata in b minor, *YouTube
** Dutilleux - Sonatine, *YouTube
Feld - Sonata, mvt 1
Gordeli - Concerto
** Griffes - Poem, YouTube
Hayden - Grand Mamou
** Martin - Ballade, YouTube
Mower - Sonata Latino, *YouTube
Muczynski - Sonata, *MP3 - mvt 3, MP3 - mvt 4*
Nielsen - Concerto, **YouTube*
Otaka - Concerto, mvt 1 or 3
Prokofiev - Sonata, mvt 1, mvt 2, mvt 4
Reinecke - Concerto, mvt 1 or 3; **YouTube*
Sancan - Sonatine, *YouTube
Zyman - Sonata, *YouTube
Unaccompanied Solos - no pianist needed; listed in order of increasing difficulty
Debussy - Syrinx, YouTube
Honegger - Danse de La Chevre, YouTube, *MP3*
JS Bach - Partita in A minor, Allemande PDF, Courante PDF, YouTube
CPE Bach - Sonata in A minor, *Poco Adagio, MP3 - 3rd mvt*; YouTube
Telemann - 12 Fantasias for Flute, *A major, B minor, D minor, D major*
Dorff - August Idyll, YouTube
Ferroud - Trois Pieces, YouTube
Hindemith - Acht Stucke, *MP3*
Hoover - Kokopelli, YouTube
Ibert - Piece, YouTube
Liebermann - Soliloquy, YouTube
Muczynski - 3 Preludes, *MP3*
Rivier - Oiseaux Tendres, YouTube
Paganini - Caprice No. 23, YouTube
Paganini - Caprice No. 24, YouTube
Piazzolla - Tango Etudes (play 2 etudes), YouTube
Karg-Elert - Sonata Appassionata in F#, *MP3*, IMSLP
Bozza - Image, YouTube
Dick - Fish Are Jumping
Dick - Lookout
Fukushima - Mei
Patillo - 3 Beats for Beatbox & Flute, YouTube
Piccolo Solos
Bartok - Suite for Piccolo *soundclip*
Bliss - Rima *soundclip*
Bottje - Concertino *soundclip*
Broughton - Concerto (2nd mvt) *soundclip*
Dorff - Sonatine de Giverny
Jones - Sonata Piccola
La Montaine - Sonata (* does not need to be memorized for State Contest) *soundclip*
Persichetti - Parable (unaccompanied)
Vivaldi - Concerto in A minor *soundclip*
Vivaldi - Concerto in C major (* available on Smart Music) *soundclip*
Zaninelli - Three Scenes (Birds)
Shorter Class 1/Advanced - Middle School
The following are solos I would suggest for advanced 7th & 8th grade students (more links available above):
CPE Bach - Sonata in A minor, select 1 movement
JS Bach - Partita in A minor *soundclip*, Sarabande PDF, Bouree Anglaise PDF
JS Bach - Sonata in C major *soundclip*
JS Bach - Sonata in Eb major *soundclip*
JS Bach - Suite in B minor *soundclip*
Debussy - Syrinx, *Download PDF*
Franck - Sonata, mvt 1
Franck - Sonata, mvt 4
Honegger - Danse de La Chevre *download mp3*, YouTube
Koehler - Papillon, *soundclip*
Massenet - Meditation from Thais, YouTube
Saint-Saens - Airs de Ballet d' Ascanio
Scott - Extatic Shepherd
Telemann - Suite in A minor, Overture *soundclip*
Intermediate Level (Class 2) - 7th & 8th grade
Andersen - Alla Mazurka - *soundclip*
Anderson - Barcarolle - *soundclip*
Anderson - Chant Pastorale - *soundclip*
Andersen - Scherzino - *PDF*, *MP3*
JC Bach - Andante Cantabile
JS Bach - Arioso (Largo from Harpsichord Concerto) - YouTube
JS Bach - Bourree from 3rd Cello Suite - PDF
JS Bach - Ich folge dir gleichfalls (I Follow Thee Also)
JS Bach - Invention No. 8 in F major - *PDF*
JS Bach - Siciliano from Sonata in Eb major
JS Bach - Suite in B minor, select movements - Rondeau
Beethoven/Peck - Serenade in D major - YouTube
Beethoven - Turkish March - PDF; *also suggested for piccolo players*
Bizet - Entr'acte from Carmen - YouTube
Bizet - 2nd Minuet de L'Arlesienne - PDF, YouTube, *mp3*
Bohm - Calm as the Night - YouTube
Boisdeffre - Orientale, op. 31 - YouTube
Brahms - Andante (from Piano Quintet, op. 34)
Brahms/Peck - Waltz in D major, Op. 39, No 15 - YouTube
Brun - Romance
Caplet - Petite Valse - YouTube
Caplet - Reverie, YouTube
Corelli/Peck - Gigue in G minor - YouTube
De Fresch - Canzonetta - *YouTube*
Debussy - Reverie - YouTube
DonJon - Adagio Nobile - YouTube
DonJon - Offertoire, op. 12 - YouTube
DonJon - Pan - YouTube, *download mp3*
DonJon - Tendre SOuvenir
Evans - Caprice
Faure - Berceuse, Op. 16 - YouTube
Faure - Morceau de Concours - PDF, YouTube
Faure - Sicilienne - PDF, YouTube
Finger - Sonata in G major
Gaubert - Madrigal - PDF, YouTube
Gaubert - Orientale - PDF, YouTube
Gluck - Dance of the Blessed Spirits - PDF, YouTube
Gluck - Sicilienne from "Armide"
Godard - Allegretto, op. 116 - PDF, *download mp3*
Godard - Idylle, op. 116 - YouTube
Goldman - Divertimento
Gounod/Peck - Meditation (1st Prelude de Bach) - YouTube
Gossec - Tambourin - YouTube
Grieg - "Morning Mood" (from Peer Gynt) - PDF, YouTube
Grieg - Solvejg's Song (from Peer Gynt)
Joncieres - Hungarian Serenade - YouTube
Handel - Sonata V in F major; mvts 1 & 2 or mvts 3 & 4
Haydn - Serenade in C major (from String Quartet in F major) - PDF, YouTube
Koepke - Bergamask
Kohler - Berceuse - YouTube
Kohler - Souvenir Russe
Le Clair - Gigue - mp3
Loeillet - Adagio & Gigue - *YouTube*
Loeillet - Sonata in E minor - *Listen to mvt 1 & 2*
Marcello - Sonata in F major - PDF, YouTube
Marcello - Sonata XII in G major
Mozart - Andante (Piano Sonata No. 1) - YouTube
Mozart - Adagio from Flute Quartet in D - YouTube
Mozart - Concerto in D major, 2nd mvt - YouTube
Mozart - Andante from Piano Concerto No. 21
Pessard - Andalouse, *mp3*
Pepusch - Sonata in F major
Popp - Valse Gracieuse
Poulenc - Sonata, 2nd mvt - *YouTube*
Quantz - Concerto in G major, Arioso (2nd mvt)
Quantz - Presto in D major - YouTube
Ravel - Pavane pour une infante defunte
Rimsky-Korsakov - Flight of the Bumblebee
Rutter - Suite Antique, mvt 1, 3, or 5
Platti - Sonata 2 in G major, Adagio & Allegro (mvts 3 & 4)
Saint-Saens - Romance
Schumann - Romance (play 1 mvt)
Scarlatti - Andante (from Piano Sonata in E)
Taktakishvili - Sonata, 2nd mvt
Telemann - Sonata in C major
Telemann - Sonata in C minor
Telemann - Sonata in F major - PDF, Mvt 1 - Vivace; *also suggested for piccolo players*
Telemann - Suite in A minor, select movements - Listen
Vinci - Allegro in D major (Solos for the Flute PLayer #21) - YouTube
Beginner Level (Class 3) - 1 to 2 years
Note: These PDF links have midi soundclips on the page
Andersen - Elegie, Op. 55, No. 1, YouTube
JS Bach - Gavotte (from English Suite)
JS Bach - Sonata IV in C major (Minuet & Trio) - PDF
JS Bach - Menuet *mp3 in F major*, *mp3 in G major*, G major PDF
JS Bach - Menuet I & II from Suite No. 1 in C major - PDF
JS Bach - Minuet from Flute Suite No. 2 in B minor - PDF
Bartok/Harris - Evening in the Country - YouTube
Beethoven - Adieu to the Piano (#28 - 40 Little Pieces), YouTube
Beethoven - Minuet No. 2 in G major PDF, YouTube
Beethoven/Peck - Minuet in G major, op. 49, No. 2 - YouTube
Dandrieu - La Gemissante
Demersseman - Aria (from Oberon)
Faure - Berceuse (from Dolly)
Gossec - Gavotte - PDF, YouTube
Gluck - Gavotte from Don Juan - YouTube
Gluck - Spirit Dance (Rubank - shorter version)
Gretchaninoff - First Waltz - YouTube
Grieg - "Morning" from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 (Bb major version)
Handel - Aria (from Sonata for 2 Violins)
Handel - Gavotte (from Sonata for 2 Violins)
Handel - Sonata in G major, Bourree - PDF & Menuetto PDF, Bourree - YouTube
Handel - Petite Gavotte - *MP3*
Hauser - Song Without Words
Haydn - Allegro in C major (#31 - 40 Little Pieces)*MP3*
Haydn - Andante (#27 - 40 Little Pieces), YouTube
Haydn/Guenther- Minuetto in C
Haydn/Peck - Serenade in C major (from String Quartet in F major) - shorter version, YouTube
Hinkson - Valse Petite
Kuhlau - Menuett in F major - YouTube
Mendelssohn - Allegretto non Troppo (from "Songs Without Words"
Miaskovsky - 2 Russian Songs - YouTube
Mozart/Voxman - Menuett Paysanne - YouTube, *MP3*
Saint-Saens - The Swan from "Carnival of the Animals - *PDF*
Satie/Peck - Gymnopedie No. 2, YouTube
Schubert - Moment Musicale (#36 - 40 Little Pieces), YouTube
Schubert - Round Dance
Schubert - Waltz
Tchaikovsky - Garland Waltz from Sleeping Beauty - *PDF*
Tchaikovsky - The Lonely Birch Tree - *YouTube*
Tchaikovsky - Theme from Swan Lake - *YouTube*